High School
High school is a new part in life for children moving from grade 7 to grade 8. You just went from being the big fish in a small pond to being the small fish in a big pond.
Some High schools don't have uniform but that isn't a reason to beg your parents for the latest version of Nikes or Gucci, you are fine with your plain white or black sneakers.
If you don't make friends don't worry you will, it takes time to adapt into a new environment so you might be shy, But you will break free from that little shell of yours in no time.
People tend to forget why they are at school and most of the time they end up joining the wrong people and losing track of themselves in the process. Make sure you make friends with the right people or the people that understand your intentions.
Work is very important so you must focus more on your homework than playing games on your phone for hours. Rest is also very important so get enough sleep so you don't get in trouble with your teachers for sleeping in their class, but also don't stress yourself with hours of schooling,set a Timtable for yourself and work for atleast 2 hours and have a thirty minute break to catch some fresh air and play outside or read or draw but make sure you are ready for more work.
The food you eat also impacts the way you function so eat alot of healthy foods. Exercise is also important for your mental health so I recommend that you exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes, but you can do less if you are not interested in small waist or flat stomach, but it is recommended, not for the way you look but how you feel.
'Go shine and don't forget don't change yourself to impress someone else, You are perfect the way you are. '